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Spotlight Players of the Week - Victoria Vasquez and Joe Mairs

SPOTLIGHT ON Victoria Vasquez (Shaker Heights, Ohio)


Music on your playlist: I usually listen to rap before matches to pump me up. It’s usually a bunch of random artists and my playlist is quite often whichever music is in the top hits at the moment.

Dream vacation destination: I would probably go somewhere in the Caribbean because I like being on a beach and being in the sun. I live in Ohio and it’s usually really cold here, so any chance to go out and have some rays on me is a great day.

Favorite food: It depends on my mood, but right now I have just been having a ton of pasta.

Favorite athletes: Dominika Cibulkova because I am 5-foot-2 and you don’t see that many short girls on the pro tour who accomplish a lot. I feel like she has done a lot and can hang in there with the bigger players. I also love Roger Federer. His agent (Tony Godsick) lives in the same city as me and we use the same club as well. (Godsick’s wife) is Mary Jo Fernandez, and I don’t know her that well, but she always says ‘Hi’ to me. She is very nice.

Future occupation: I am honestly undecided about that. I am currently doing research involving art to find 3D prints at Case Western Reserve, but I am also into business so it’s really up in the air for me. I am trying to do an internship in business this summer to see that side of things.

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be: My great grandmother. She passed away when I was 2, and my mom says I act a lot like her. I would want to have an actual conversation with her that I would remember. I am a first generation American, so she didn’t even speak English. I would love to learn more about her.

Must-watch TV show: Gossip Girl

Favorite movie: I like comedy so Jack and Jill or other Adam Sandler movies.

If I am not playing tennis, I am … either doing homework or hanging out with my friends.

Instagram handle: @vivavasquez

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