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About Us

Our Mission

To enable junior tennis players to compete at their college of choice. To provide the premier online experience for amateur junior tennis.

What We Do

TennisRecruiting.net provides services and content to three distinct audiences: (1) juniors hoping to play college tennis, (2) college coaches trying to identify recruits, and (3) tennis enthusiasts interested in the recruiting process. Each of these audiences can find useful and interesting content at TennisRecruiting.net.

The heart of TennisRecruiting.net content is the weekly rank lists. Two sets of rank lists - the College Recruiting Lists and TennisRPI - are updated weekly for both boys and girls. Players are separated and ranked in class rank lists (e.g., class of 2006, class of 2007).

Other content is more focused:

  • Junior players: Juniors can update player profiles that college coaches monitor. They can also see how they stack up against other recruits in their class with the rank lists. Recruiting advice and other exclusive content is also available.

  • College coaches: Coaches use TennisRecruiting.net as a starting point for setting recruiting lists - and also as a tool for research. Coaches query our rich player database to identify recruits, and they watch our rank lists to track player progress.

  • Tennis enthusiasts: In addition to the class rank lists, there is other exlusive content available only at TennisRecruiting.net. Recruiting profiles delve into player backgrounds. Recurring article series - "Ask the Experts" and "Getting Started" - provide recruiting insight from coaches and players. "Where are They Now?" catches up with top players who have left the juniors, while "Who's Hot?" features players who have improved dramatically in the rankings.

How We Are Different

With almost 5,000 young men and women going off to college at nearly 1,500 different schools each year, there is clearly a need for resources to match up junior players with college coaches. The services provided at TennisRecruiting.net are different from those available elsewhere. TennisRecruiting.net differentiates itself in several ways:

  • Extensive information: Coaches need comprehensive information on all players - not just a smattering of information from only a few players. TennisRecruiting.net provides information on literally thousands of players - and provides webpages for every one. No other recruiting service can boast that kind of coverage.

  • Weekly rankings: There are only three sites that produce weekly rankings for amateur tennis in the United States: the USTA, TennisInformation.com, and TennisRecruiting.net. Of these three websites, only TennisRecruiting.net provides a recruiting service. Coaches pay close attention to rankings - and they use TennisRecruiting.net.

  • Rankings based on graduation year: Rankings at TennisRecruiting.net are unique in that they are based on high school graduation year. Such rankings allow college coaches to quickly find qualified recruits for a particular recruiting year. Other amateur tennis rankings are age-based - both TennisInformation.com and the USTA rank several age divisions (e.g., 18 & under). While these rankings are useful for seedings, they are not of much use to a college coach since juniors of many different ages comprise each graduating class. For example, there are 16-year-old seniors who may not be highly-ranked in the 18&U division, while there are 19-year-old seniors who have long since aged out of 18&U rankings.

  • Free service: TennisRecruiting.net is the only service that allows players free registration - and the ability to update most information free of charge. Other recruiting sites charge hefty fees, and so only a small percentage of junior players sign up for their services.

  • Exclusive content: TennisRecruiting.net is the only recruiting service with exclusive content updated daily.

Why You Can Trust Us

The people of TennisRecruiting.net have a long history with amateur tennis in the United States. TennisRecruiting.net and its sister site, TennisInformation.com, are the premier information and technology providers for amateur tennis - and have been for more than two decades. Since 1984, we have provided tournament administration software for tournament directors worldwide; we have provided software and services to the USTA and its sections since 1995 - and to Tennis Australia and other countries since 1997.

With the growing popularity of the Internet, in 1997 we launched TennisInformation.com - the online home of U.S. tennis tournament results and rankings. Our websites have more than twenty million web pages, including over 35,000 USTA tournaments and 28,000 USTA ranking lists.

When the USTA moved their rankings from a head-to-head system to a points-based system in 2004, we at TennisRecruiting.net decided to put forward our own independent weekly rankings using a head-to-head system. We have provided rankings updated weekly since March 2004. We provide these rankings as a service since we believe head-to-head rankings to be the best way to identify the top players - a view shared by college coaches across the country.

Today, TennisRecruiting.net shows extensive rankings of players - and shows exclusive premium content for junior tennis. Coaches and players agree: TennisRecruiting.net is the resource for junior tennis players, college coaches, and amateur tennis enthusiasts.


Page updated on Sunday, May 02, 2010 at 9:33:52 AM
Contact our web team with any corrections