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Coaching Advantage

Upgrade to Coaching Advantage

Ready to get started now?   Click Here

The Tennis Recruiting Network is the most comprehensive source of junior tennis information available on the Internet. Nowhere else can you find the unique mix of official data collected by our staff - and player data submitted by the players themselves.

Profiles for more than 100,000 junior players are available online - complete with weekly rankings based on tens of thousands of USTA and ITF tournaments. These profiles include contact information, college interests, bios, and other relevant information that thousands of players have submitted.

A New Way to Recruit

We have collected all of this information. All you have to do as a coach is use it.

By upgrading your account to Coaching Advantage, you get all of the following:

  • View all players that have visited your team page.
  • Create and monitor "watch lists" of players you want to monitor.
  • Receive email updates on all players you are watching. Be notified about:
    • Ranking improvements
    • Recent tournaments
    • Appearance on the Hot 100 List
    • Upcoming birthday
    • TennisRecruiting.net profile updates
  • View head-to-head rankings that include both U.S. and international players based on USTA- and ITF-sanctioned events. Such lists are not available anywhere else.
  • Ability to research future recruits by creating and storing virtually any rank list you like, such as:
    • all juniors and seniors in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana
    • all players who list interest in a private D2, D3, or NAIA school
    • all 9th, 10th, and 11th graders who list interest in an Ivy
    • all seniors who scored at least 1,200 on their SATs
    • all U.S. and international players in the 12th grade
  • View information for over 50,000 junior players.
  • View complete player information (e.g., addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, academic summaries, anticipated matriculation dates, etc.) for the more than 10,000 junior players who are members of TennisRecruiting.net. We receive dozens of new members every day.
  • Customize the content on your team page at TennisRecruiting.net (e.g., edit data, upload photos, and post available scholarships).
  • Plus, enjoy all the features that come with our Recruiting Advantage service.


Coaches who create a free account are able to see the total number of players who have visited your team page at TennisRecruiting.net. Coaching Advantage coaches get to see who those players are... and all the other great features above.

Pricing is as follows:

  • Men's Program Service Base Price: $350
  • Women's Program Service Base Price: $350
  • Early Renewal discount: $25

Ready to Go?

Click here to get started now with Coaching Advantage.

To get more information - or for a demonstration of Coaching Advantage - just send us an email or give us a call at (770) 993-5723.

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Page updated on Wednesday, May 01, 2024 at 10:30:49 AM
Contact our web team with any corrections