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Winter Nationals
Maltby Captures Two Gold Balls at Girls 14s Winter Nationals

Two years ago, Susanna Maltby went to Arizona and emerged as half of the 12-and-under championship doubles team in the USTA Winter National Championships.

As the calendar turned to 2020, Maltby fared even better in the Girls 14s Winter Nationals.

Singles & Doubles Champion Susanna Maltby
© Contributed Photo

By last Friday, she had earned the right to take back two gold balls to the Midwest, having captured championships in singles and doubles in an event played on the Reffkin Tennis Center's outdoor hard courts.

Maltby, a blue chip from the western Chicago suburb of Glen Ellyn, Illinois, went unbeaten for the week.

Seeded third in the singles draw of 128, she defeated No. 10 Ava Bruno, a five-star from Bronxville, New York, 6-3, 6-3 in a championship match pitting eighth graders.

Maltby, who's based at Hinsdale Racquet Club and attends Hadley Junior High, comes from a tennis family, to say the least. Her mom, Tracey, joined her in the Tucson altitude of almost 2,400 feet.

"The ball will go a lot farther when you hit it," Maltby said. "We came down a few days earlier to get used to it."

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