National L3 Singles Champion -18s
National L3 3rd Place Doubles -18s
Chicago District Champion - 14s
Midwest Closed Singles and Doubles Champions 14s
Chicago District Champion - 16s
Midwest Singles Closed - 4th Place - 16s
Midwest Closed - Doubles Finalist 16s
Midwest Doubles Closed- Finalist
National level 2 - 4th Place
National Level 3 Singles Champion and 3rd place Doubles Champion
1A Division 3rd Place State in Doubles - Freshman
Started and played #1 Doubles - Freshman
Conference Player of the year - Freshman
All Team State - Freshman
Sectional Champion - Freshman
1A Division Doubles State Champion - Sophomore (undefeated 32-0)
Sectional Champion - Sophomore
Conference Champion - Sophomore
Sectional Champion - Junior
Conference Champion - Junior
1A Division Singles State Champion - Junior (undefeated 26-0)